Welcome to the website for the Society of Physics Students at the University of New Mexico!
The Society of Physics Students is a national organization whose only requirement to join is an interest in physics. SPS exists to help students transform themselves into contributing members of the professional community and to provide resources to help members pursue their interest in physics.
The University of New Mexico chapter of SPS meets weekly on Fridays at 6:00 pm in the Physics & Astronomy and Interdisciplinary Science Building (PAIS), room 2540.
During these meetings, we discuss community activities to participate in as well as do small experiments that demonstrate the applications of physics. We're always excited to meet new people interested in physics and if you're interested in joining, you should come by PAIS room 2540 or contact one of the officers.
If you have suggestions for what we can do or discuss during our meetings, or if you have something you'd like mention at the meetings, you can post a suggestion here!